Breaking down a GCSE question

Literacy and Drama Help

During this workshop students will work with a professional actor to break down a specific GCSE question.

Through drama exercises students will explore the character, themes and use of language from your chosen text, fully submerging them in the wold of the play or novel, whilst always relating directly back to the sample question.    

This workshop is designed to give students alternative tools to use when breaking down a question, improve their text analysis skills and improve exam confidence. Throughout the workshop students will actively be encouraged to annotate sections of their text and learn important quotes to further contribute towards exam success.

This workshop is bespoke and schools will be asked to send a specific question and extract they would like their class to work on. Previous questions include:

“Starting with the following extract, explain how far Shakespeare goes to present Lady Macbeth as a powerful woman.”  

“How and why does Sheila change in An Inspector Calls.”


Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 4

Key Stage 5